About Dev Foundation

About Us

Mansukh Singh Gurjar - President

    Mansukh Singh Gurjar - President

Naresh Gurjar - Treasurer

    Naresh Gurjar - Treasurer

About Dev Foundation :-

To register a foundation for starting social-development projects, working on contemporary issues of social importance, educating youth, awakening to contemporary challenges, eradicating social malpractices, promoting girl education, mass marriage conference The decision has been taken after detailed consultations with officials, social workers, and intellectuals working in administrative services.

Objectives of the Dev Foundation :-

1. Schematically works on issues related to all round multi-dimensional development of the society.
2. To work exclusively towards women empowerment along with the helpless needy sections of the society.
3. To create a society educational environment, to set up school colleges and hostels.
4. To provide the necessary facilities for educational and career guidance for the students/unemployed youth.
5. To propagate literacy in the society through public cooperation.
6. To realize the dream of a strong, prosperous and united society by building an awareness campaign to free society from the hypocrisies, stereotypes and evils.
7. To formulate / organize / conduct any such work / plan / project which is in any way relevant / collaborative in the interest of an individual / society in accordance with national interests.


To ensure the presence of the society in every field and platform, to conduct activities of social concerns with an informed and strategic skill. For the empowerment of society, to increase the representation of society in education and employment and to focus on resource ownership.


Realize the dream of a strong, prosperous and united society by creating a hypocritical, free of stereotypes, progressive modern society.


Dev Foundation is a social and community organization. Dev Foundation is registered under Rajasthan Society Registration Act 1958. A Sanctuary has been formed to conduct the work of the Foundation. The name of the foundation is derived from the deity of the society, Devnarayan. The main office of Dev Foundation is Devnagar, Negadia Road Aasind District Bhilwara (Raj.).

Contact us for more information.
Mansukh Singh Gurjar: - 9414178668 President
Naresh Gurjar - Treasurer: - 8890224471
Email: - [email protected]